Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Study Tools

November 30, 2016

Wednesday: I CAN be successful on my finals.
  • Create 10 flashcards for a class you are most worried about 
    • Create the question/word on the front and the answer/definition on the back
  • 5 of the cards:
    • Vocabulary words from a unit you need to study
  • 5 of the cards:
    • Higher level content questions from a unit you need to study
    • This means it has to be longer that a one word answer
  • Once you have your cards made:
    • Get with someone who is in the same class with you and quiz each other
    • Whoever gets the most questions correct will get candy!
    • If you go through all the cards find someone else to study with!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Graphing Grades

November 29, 2016

  • Graphing Grades
    • Go on powerschool and put a dot where your grade is today for each class.
    • Reflect on your short-term SMART goal for quarter two.  You should write a 5-7 sentence reflection.
Image result for reflection quotes

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thank You Notes

November 22, 2016

Image result for who are you thankful for

Create a thank you letters to those you are thankful for.
Make them colorful and fun!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


November 16, 2016

Read ONE of the following articles:
  • Write down key points (pros/cons) from each
  • Add your own thoughts/opinions/experiences

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Cost of College

November 15, 2016

Objective: I can read and analyze key points of articles, and determine pros and cons for a $500 tuition. 

  • Reflection:  Respond to each question in 2-3 sentences in your folder.
    • How do you feel about the cost of tuition?  
    • What are your fears about college tuition?  
    • What are your plans to help pay for college?
Read ONE of the following articles:
  • Write down key points (pros/cons) from each
  • Add your own thoughts/opinions/experiences

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Portfolio Day

November 10, 2016

  • Fill in the weekly log with today's date
  • Decide what you will be working on today
  • Start creating a piece of your portfolio

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Self- Care

Objective: I can practice self-care. 

Today you will...

  • Do something to care for yourself. These actions will hopefully either bring you joy or peace.
  •  Some actions you might do include, but are not limited to, the following: 
    • Read a book
    • Build something 3D
    • Draw a picture
    • Listen to music
    • Nap
    • Talk to your friends (in this class)
    • Work on an assignment
    • Play a computer game
    • Your choice (as long as I approve!)

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

National Issues

Tuesday:  I CAN be a knowledgeable citizen.
  • Brainstorm:
    • What are the three biggest issues that you feel need to be addressed in America?
      • Write down the issue AND the reason you feel they are problems
  • Video:
  • Reflection:
    • What can you do to become part of the local political system and become involved in the issues that concern you?  (Think about how you have been viewing issues in AVID).
      • Answer in two complete sentences
    • If you were president, what would you change about the issues above 
      • Answer in two complete sentences (one per issue)

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Electoral College

November 2, 2016

  • Watch TED talk on Electoral College
  • Answer the questions on a sheet of paper to turn in:
Image result for 2016 electoral college

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

First Time Voters

November 1, 2016

Why is the ability to vote in the United States so important?

Image result for vote


Explain how any of the following issues mentioned in the film might directly affect you: education; healthcare; immigration; minimum wage,environment, policing, foreign policy? 
Be prepared to share.